Continuing Education Workshops

Bruce’s Teaching Schedule

Los Angeles Workshop

Santa Monica, CA

Abdominopelvic Interrelationships

October 11th-13th, 2024

Sundance Physical Therapy

2212 Pico Boulevard

Santa Monica, CA 90405

International Workshop

Medulin, Croatia

September 20-22, 2024

Teaching: September 21

Intro to Structural-Visceral Integration:


Medulin, Croatia. ICIR24 | Uciliste Vizija

International Film Screening

Medulin, Croatia

Online Events

Live with Gil

April 21, 2024

Live with Gil


Online Events


Fascial Integration

Structural-Visceral Approaches

Bruce Schonfeld’s workshops primarily bridge the musculoskeletal and visceral systems.

In the modern era of specialization, who’s looking at the whole body? Who’s looking at the whole person? Especially in the context of competent musculoskeletal and biopsychosocial care, physical restrictions can be the missing piece in the therapeutic puzzle, the anatomical “elephant in the room,” causing or contributing to pain and/or orthopedic problems. Fascial Integration’s specialization is that of the generalist, systems-thinking, and while taking the serious interest in specifics as well as not missing the forest for the trees.


Abdominopelvic Interrelationships

SVAP primarily balances the organs and membranes of the pelvic and abdominal cavities with the low-back and lower extremity.

More details


Thoracic Interrelationships

SVTI primarily balances the organs and membranes of the thoracic cavity with the mid-back and upper extremity.

More details


Cervical, Cranial, & TMJ Interrelationships

SVCC examines the intricate interrelationships of the neck, head, and TMJ.

More details

1.  Abdominopelvic Interrelationships (SVAP)

SVAP primarily balances the organs and membranes of the pelvic and abdominal cavities with the low-back and lower extremity.
Generally following the trail of larger visceral ligaments associated with the gastrointestinal track, SVAP offers a complementary approach to Visceral Manipulation and low-back pain. SVAP correlates basic joint biomechanics of the lumbar spine, sacrum and sacroiliac joints with the peritoneum and organs of the gastrointestinal system. Visceral structures covered include the cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, urinary bladder, lesser and greater omentum, root of the mesentery and the fascia of Toldt.
In concert with keeping a global structural perspective, SVAP is further contextualized with the lumbodorsal fascia and lower extremity. Special attention is paid to the kinetic chain and the articular system’s distal connection into the ankle, feet, and toes.
Appropriate for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, SVAP offers a ‘Combined Technique’ approach to fascial manipulation. Primarily set up in Direct Technique, SVAP takes a respectful, moderate, and client-centered approach to force. With the aid of a class workbook, students will learn valuable clinical reasoning skills as well as practical physical manipulation techniques through demonstrations, audiovisuals, practicums, and supervised exchanges between class participants. Bridging biopsychosocial and anatomical gaps, SVAP offers a systems anatomy approach to Manual Therapy and/or Structural Integration. The goal is systems symbiosis.
Rooted in respectful direct technique and hands-on skills, the abdominopelvic organs are addressed within the same general architectural framework as Dr. Rolf’s recipe sessions 1-6. SVAP incorporates a ‘Principles Approach’ to critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and problem-solving sessions as developed by Jan Sultan, Michael Salveson, and Jeffrey Maitland.*
“Four out of five American adults will experience low-back pain during their lives”
– NCCAM (September 2010 issue of the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) newsletter Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Focus on Research and Care newsletter of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), page 1.)”
Diagram of nine abdominal regions and four abdominal quadrants in the peritoneal cavity from Gray's Anatomy.
Download above image for free at
Grids of nine abdominal regions and four abdominal quadrants
Download above images for free at
Diagram of contents of thoracic cavity
Image via staff (2014) -

2. Thoracic Interrelationships (SVTI)

“What is the nature of the interface of structure and viscera and how does it impact the practice of Structural Integration?”  – Jan Sultan
SVTI primarily balances the organs and membranes of the thoracic cavity with the mid-back and upper extremity.
SVTI strives to balance membranous tension of the pleura and pericardium. From the respiratory diaphragm to the pleural dome, the thoracic cavity is three dimensionally examined in terms of ‘the container and the contents’ from anatomical and clinical manual therapy points of view. The context is systems anatomy. The overarching theme is reciprocal tension membrane. The goal is systems symbiosis.
In concert with keeping a global structural perspective, SVTI further contextualizes the thoracic and mediastinal cavities within the thoracolumbar fascia and upper extremity. Special attention is paid to the articular system’s distal connections into the wrist, hand, and fingers.
Pattern recognition of inhalation/exhalation breathing preferences will be explored with clinical applications in mind. Visceral components of interest include the esophagus, esophageal hiatus, trachea, heart, lungs, fibrous pericardium, sternopericardial ligaments, interclavicular ligament and phrenopericardial ligament.
SVTI’s approach is volumetric, effecting aspects of the respiratory, cardiovascular and neuromusculoskeletal systems. Functional strategies for posture and cross-training will be considered.
Appropriate for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, SVTI offers a ‘Combined Technique’ approach to fascial manipulation. Primarily set up in Direct Technique, SVTI takes a respectful, moderate, and client-centered approach to force. With the aid of a class workbook, students will learn valuable clinical reasoning skills as well as practical physical manipulation techniques through demonstrations, audiovisuals, practicums, and supervised exchanges between class participants. Bridging biopsychosocial and anatomical gaps, SVTI offers a systems anatomy approach to Manual Therapy and/or Structural Integration. The goal is systems symbiosis.
Rooted in respectful direct technique and hands-on skills, the thoracic organs and membranes are addressed within the same general 3-D architectural framework as Dr. Rolf’s recipe sessions 1-6. SVTI incorporates a ‘Principles Approach’ to strategizing, troubleshooting, and problem-solving sessions as developed by Jan Sultan, Michael Salveson, and Jeffrey Maitland.*

3.  Cervical, Cranial, & TMJ Interrelationships (SVCC)

“What is the nature of the interface of structure and viscera and how does it impact the practice of Structural Integration?” -Jan Sultan
SVCC examines the intricate interrelationships of the neck, head, and TMJ.
Especially in the context of competent musculoskeletal and biopsychosocial care, visceral and membranous restrictions can be a key underlying issue involved in physical imbalance. The incorporation of organs and membranes into one’s anatomical framework for critical thinking, troubleshooting, and hands-on technique, further deepens one’s understanding of Dr. Rolf’s classic recipe.
With systems anatomy in mind, SVCC addresses more of the whole body and whole person, deepens the core/sleeve dynamic and expands our skill set of the manual therapy component. SVCC primarily balances the reciprocal tension membrane of the craniosacral system with it’s surrounding hard frame components, this class deals with both the container and the contents. In this way, neuromyofascial and neuroarticular considerations related to the cranium, sacrum, neck, jaw, and face will be addressed.
Appropriate for beginners and seasoned SI practitioners alike, SVCC is consistent with a “Principle-Centered Approach” to SI, as developed by Sultan, Salveson, and Maitland. Students will learn clinically effective assessment skills and manipulation techniques. Students will take home a deepened appreciation and approach to the 7th Hour as well as Pre/Post-10-Series skills in working with the head and neck. The workshop will move between lecture, video, demonstration, and supervision during hands-on exchanges.
Plastinated fascia and musculature of the cranial and cervical regions
Photo credit: Gunther von Hagens's Body Worlds; Plastinarium; Körperwelten

Golden Week

Structural-Visceral Approaches
to the Mid-Back, Thorax & Diaphragm

Tokyo or Nagoya, Japan

Registration & Local contact: Masa Miyao |

The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration: CE for Rolfers

International Association of Structural Integrators: CE for SI

Golden Week

Structural-Visceral Approaches
to the Head, Neck, TMJ

Tokyo or Nagoya, Japan

Registration & Local contact: Masa Miyao |

The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration: CE for Rolfers

International Association of Structural Integrators: CE for SI

Golden Week

Clinical Applications
of Fascial Integration

Tokyo or Nagoya, Japan

Registration & Local contact: Masa Miyao |

The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration: CE for Rolfers

International Association of Structural Integrators: CE for SI

Fascial Integration – Japanese website:

International Alliance of Healthcare Educators Curriculum

Fascial Integration: Postural Analysis, Physical Assessment, Problem Solving & Fascial Manipulation

For more general Fascial Integration information, click here

  1. Approaches for the Low-Back, Pelvis & Abdomen
  2. Approaches for the Mid-Back, Thorax & Diaphragm
  3. Approaches for the Cranium, Neck & TMJ

Sponsors, Affiliates, and Approved Continuing Education (CE) Workshop Providers

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