Body Analysis for Personal Trainers

Skills in Structural Integration with Bruce Schonfeld

Mobility enhances motility as Qi cannot optimally flow where fascia is fixated

This class will focus on practical assessment skills designed to help Personal Trainers more clearly understand what is going on anatomically with themselves and tricky clients. The assessment skills will be both visual and palpation based (physical motion testing). We will observe postural patterns in each other and discuss them them in terms of what is happening in the musculoskeletal, visceral, and craniosacral systems. Visual analysis will be followed up with user friendly palpation skills designed to biomechanically test and interpret healthy movement and motion restrictions. Much of the art and science of being functional and movement educators lies in out ability to strategize a course of intervention that is based on the clients individual needs. Often the key is addressing their asymmetrical issue(s) in asymmetrical terms. For example, knowing there is a legitimate leg length differential in play can be extremely helpful in explaining whole body compensation.

Concepts and skills demonstrated and practiced include:

Postural Analysis – Seeing anatomical relationships

Palpatory Analysis – Feeling anatomical relationships; Motion Testing

Polyfascial Perspective – Craniosacral, Musculoskeletal, Neural, Visceral

Structural Strategies – “Structural Types,” “Primary Lesion,” & Adaptation

Experiential Movement – Embodiment and evolution of class concepts

Clinical Applications – Holistic, Orthopedic, & Movement Education

These skills translate well clinically and can potentiate other practices. This is an invitation for cross-pollination appropriate for Personal Trainers with Structural Integration. With mutual support and respect, we will visually analyze and manually palpate each other for alignment and range of motion. Together we will seek to meet the body on its own terms.