Structural Visceral Integration

Structural Visceral is a fascial anatomy approach to visceral mo­bil­iza­tion. Through precise ma­ni­pu­la­tions of the fascia and membranes associated with the thoracic, ab­dominal, and pelvic cavities, the visceral system will achieve a higher order of physical equipoise. Seeing midline as an organizing principle unto itself, students will learn visual and palpatory assessment skills to evaluate for mobility, symmetry, and tone. Particular attention will be paid to the re­la­tion­ships between the bones and membranes (pleura, peri­to­neum, and pelvic floor). Mo­bil­ity at these interfacing layers will be em­pha­sized.

When structural issues aren’t resolving from conventional ap­proach­es, the proverbial anatomical ‘elephant in the room’ might be the visceral anatomy. Designed to compliment your current skills, de­com­pres­sion and mobilization tech­niques will be demonstrated, ex­plained, and practiced in practical labs.

This class also serves as a bridge between anatomy and energy by embracing their interrelationship as a natural symbiotic state. In the quest to meet the body on its own terms mobility enhances motility as Qi cannot optimally flow where fascia is fixated.