Bodyworker’s Repair Shop

Skills in Structural Integration with Bruce Schonfeld

Sore necks, shoulders, arms, and hands are commonly experienced by body­work­ers as a result of the physical and pos­tur­al demands that come with our job. This particularly hands-on class will teach deep tissue approaches that ad­dress the un­der­ly­ing “flexor dominant pattern” of body use, affecting the spine and shoulder girdle.

Orthopedic, myofascial, and joint mo­bil­i­za­tion tech­niques for pain relief and increased range of motion will be ex­plained, demonstrated, and prac­ticed. Body me­cha­nics, palpatory accuracy, po­si­tion­al stra­te­gies, and self help skills will also be covered in an effort to work with more er­go­no­mic awareness and practice preventative care.

Healer, heal thereself.